On Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 3:59 PM, Russell Keith-Magee
<russ...@keith-magee.com> wrote:

> What you're proposing here is two things: a LazyForeignKey, and
> configurable applications.

not really, it's only configurable applications.  once you have that,
it's easy to make the ForeignKey depend on a parameter.

> Configurable apps were the subject of Arthur Koziel's GSoC project
> this year. From my conversations with Jannis this week at DjangoCon,
> it sounds like this GSoC code is in pretty good shape. However, in
> order to smooth the path, we will probably end up landing some
> preliminary work for 1.3, and land the final patch for 1.4.

yes, i've just seen the link posted by Yuri.  maybe GSoC projects
could use some more visiblity, a Git fork of the whole Django code
doesn't make it easy to know what's happening there.

judging just from the GSoC proposal, an app object could make a lot of
OOP goodness available.

> The LazyForeignKey pattern has been proposed by a number of parties;
> it's an interesting idea that is worth some serious consideration.
> There are some issues with implementation (e.g., exactly how to
> describe the relationship in a clean way that doesn't require us to
> import settings in order to define models), but these issues shouldn't
> be too hard to sort out. I'll see if I can get some discussion going
> at the sprints over the next couple of days.

it all that really necessary? i'd think that just not using hardcoded
constants for the model class or name buys a _lot_ of flexibility.

of course, that's easily doable right now.  the simplest case would be
just using settings variables:

in settings.py:


in favorites/models.py:

  class Favorite(models.Model):
      item = ForeignKey(settings.FAVORITES_FAVE_MODEL)
      user = ForeignKey(User)
      date = DateTimeField(default=utcnow)

but that's just ugly, and pollutes a global namespace.  hence,
configurable apps :-)


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