On Wed, 2010-10-20 at 16:05 +0200, Łukasz Rekucki wrote:

> OTOH, it's annoying to have to write an dispatch() method with a super
> inside (which effectively does nothing), just to apply a decorator.

That's a good point I hadn't thought of, as are Russell's other points.

Just to put it on the table, another option we thought of at one point
was to have a 'decorators' attribute on the class, which is a list of
decorators that is applied by the as_view() method.  It would in theory
allow you to add decorators to either end of the set of decorators that
are applied, something like this:

class MyView(SomeOtherView):

    decorators = SomeOtherView.decorators + [my_dec_1, my_dec_2]

It gets a bit trickier with multiple inheritance.  I don't know if that
would be too much of a big deal - I would imagine that most of the mixin
classes would not be providing decorators.  But then my imagination is
probably limited.


If you can't answer a man's arguments, all is not lost; you can 
still call him vile names. (Elbert Hubbard)

Luke Plant || http://lukeplant.me.uk/

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