Hi Waldemar,

On Oct 29, 3:05 am, Waldemar Kornewald <wkornew...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Just to clarify: We are in fact talking about two questions here:
> 1. Do we need a standard for URL handling?
> This is the most important question and my answer is "yes" (I'll
> explain this in the rest of this mail).

I don't think we need a single end-to-end, all-encompassing standard
that tries to cover every possible use case (including Sass, SCSS,
etc). Rather than astronaut-architecting an entire hypothetical asset-
handling system for all Django users, I think we need to separate the
individual potential steps in the asset-handling toolchain and be
clear about which of those steps Django is opinionated about, and
which it is not. The only conclusion of this that seems reasonable to
me does look like your option (2); I'm fine with calling that a
standard. I don't believe this standard actually requires documenting
(as in your patch), because it's obvious: if your reusable app
provides CSS files and images, they should work out of the box as
provided, and not rely on any other third-party tool (unless, of
course, you document that reliance, which reduces the reusable appeal
of your app, but is your choice).

> > 1. Not all projects want or need to combine/compress their media at
> > all, and there is no reason they should have to run their CSS through
> > a URL-rewriting filter.
> When your CSS files are split into different locations via apps and
> generated via manage.py collectstatic and served via the staticfiles
> view it makes no real difference *from a tools perspective*. You
> already depend on those extra tools/filters, anyway. Your point 3
> below is about the human perspective which is the real problem here.

There is a sharp line in my mind between a tool that collects files
into a single tree, and a tool that looks inside the files and munges
their contents. The latter dramatically increases the surface area for
something to go wrong. While I personally use tools that do both, I
think it is appropriate for Django itself to provide a tool that does
the former, and strictly avoid the latter. Standardizing on your
option (4) would require adding url-munging to staticfiles, or else
requiring the use of a third-party tool; I am strongly -1 to either of

> > 2. Even in projects that do combine/compress media, there are good
> > reasons to want to serve the individual files directly in development
> > (to aid in front-end debugging), and only do the combining/compressing
> > step on deployment to staging/production.
> django-mediagenerator and several other asset managers have a view
> which takes care of serving media uncombined and uncompressed during
> development for exactly that reason (easier debugging).

And if you write CSS that works as-is, you can now do this without
using any tool outside of Django itself (and if you use a combining/
compressing tool, you can simply disable it in development if you
want, rather than still needing it to rewrite your internal links for

> If you're not yet using a professional asset manager you really try
> one. It can provide a noticeable speed boost (beyond just
> combining/compressing media) by utilizing the browser's cache
> perfectly and it can also help you during development.

Implicitly denigrating competing tools does not move the discussion

> > 3. Designers and front-end developers working on Django projects
> > should not have to learn some odd way of linking in their CSS, that
> > appears to be wrong according to everything they know about how things
> > usually work. The links they write should make sense to them, not just
> > to some Python developer who invented a new "standard" for them.
> I see the point you're trying to make and I don't like that solution
> (4) breaks with an existing convention, either. There's still the
> other option of going with (2) for CSS and with (4) for Sass/etc. It's
> just inconsistent and this becomes even more confusing if you use some
> language with CSS-like syntax (e.g., SCSS).

I don't think that it is at all inconsistent to expect working CSS;
anyone using Sass/SCSS simply needs to figure out how to use that tool
such that it generates working CSS.

> > 1. Links in static files should be written in such a way they work as-
> > is, without knowing what root URL they will be served under (this
> > means relative internal links).
> > 2. Any third-party tool that combines/compresses CSS should be able to
> > take working input files and generate working output files, handling
> > whatever internal links it finds correctly.
> I agree with 1. I also fully agree that 2 *should* work the way you
> described. However, without a standard it can't and in fact this very
> moment it doesn't. Depending on your asset manager you might use
> method (1) or (2) or (4) and thus use different URL paths than some
> other developer. We already have this problem right now: CSS files
> created for django-compress are incompatible with django-compressor
> and CSS files created for django-mediagenerator are incompatible with
> django-compress. Your point 2 doesn't reflect reality. It's a nice
> dream and an official standard is the first step needed for it to come
> true. That's what I'm fighting for, here.

"Takes working input files and generates working output files" is a
description of the minimum that I would expect from a well-behaved
media compressor. The problem here is that neither django-compress nor
django-mediagenerator meet that standard. Django-compress takes
working CSS and, depending on your configuration and path layout, may
generate broken CSS. Django-mediagenerator requires broken CSS input
in order to generate working CSS output. I wouldn't choose to use a
tool that doesn't meet the standard of "working input; working
output." Others are free to choose as they wish, but I don't support
asking reusable apps to standardize on writing broken CSS so they can
require the presence of an asset manager to fix it for them.

> So, should we
> * use the same method (4) for CSS and Sass/etc.? (+consistency, -familiarity)
> * use method (2) for CSS and method (4) for Sass/etc.? (-consistency,
> +familiarity)

Framed in your terms, clearly the latter. Let me try to sum up my

It's a basic architectural principle that in order to build a working
large and complex system, you break it down into smaller parts, and
ensure that each part of the system takes care of its own
responsibility, and needs to know as little as possible about the
other components of the system in order to do so. This reduces
interdependence and increases modular reusability. Here are the parts
that have been touched on in this thread, and the responsibility of
each one as I see it, arranged such that each piece depends only on
knowledge of a single other piece:

1. Reusable apps should put their media in static/appname/ and expect
it to be available at STATICFILES_URL/appname/. This is implicitly
endorsed by Django due to the inclusion of staticfiles, though of
course it is not required.
2. If reusable apps include CSS that links to images or other media,
it should work as provided, given only the assumption in (1). (In
practice this means relative links, since we don't know the value of
STATICFILES_URL in advance). This is also implicitly endorsed by
Django, simply because it does not do any link-rewriting: if your
provided CSS is broken, Django doesn't fix it for you.
3. A media compressor/combiner should take working input CSS (2) and
generate working output CSS.
4. A Sass/SCSS compiler should generate working CSS (2). How it
chooses to do so, and what that means for how the Sass/SCSS itself is
written, is an internal concern of this part of the system that should
not spill over into other parts of the system.

I believe in practice this does correspond to what you are calling
"option 2 for CSS, option 4 for Sass."  When I look at the
responsibilities of each part of the system independently, I can't
honestly see any other conclusion that makes sense. Parts 3 and 4 are
entirely external to Django; if an app wants to do things differently,
it's free to do so, and should document its requirements. But if
you're asking me about establishing a standard expectation for those
areas, this is what I would expect from apps that I would choose to


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