
My ticket was closed by Pandres with the comment:

Your path seems to add another way to do something that is already
easy to do (and it's done all around in the code). It goes against the
principle of "there should be one obvious way to do it"

Great reason -- but the other path is not obvious to me.

I want to display forms from a model formset in an order different
from creation order. Normally, you would sort the queryset input & the
output comes in the right order. I am trying to display a sparse "many-
to-many" relationship table (eg: think user ratings for Beatles
albums). I want to display the Beatles albums in order irrespective of
is this use has rated any of the albums (thus the "sparse" nature of
the relation table).

ModelFormSets *really* want to create forms for existing instances
before creating "extra" forms. This is fine, but there is no reason a
formset has to "yield" the forms in creation order.

What would be easy path to do this? But more to the point, why should
we prefer  <code>{% for form in formset.forms %}</code> over <code>{%
for form in formset %}</code>.  The later seems preferable, at least
to me.

Thanks. Kent

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