Hi all,

The special-cased handling of contrib.admin static assets in Django
core is a long-time wart. Fortunately, the new static assets standard
introduced by contrib.staticfiles and the STATIC_URL and STATIC_ROOT
settings finally allows us to begin a migration path to remove this
wart. AdminMediaHandler is already on a deprecation path; the
remaining piece is the ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX setting.

After discussion with Jannis on IRC, we have a plan for deprecating
ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX. The expectation is now that any apps' static
assets should be found at STATIC_URL/appname. The idea is to introduce
a check whether ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX is equal to STATIC_URL/admin, and
if it is not, raise a (pending) deprecation warning and alert the user
that in a future release of Django, the ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX setting
will be removed, and the admin media will be assumed to be served at

Any objections to this plan before I put it into action?


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