
On Dec 12, 4:40 pm, Pakal <chambon.pas...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Why, then, isn't it specified that all models.py files should be
> loaded by each starting worker ? That would solve the whole problem
> and hidden errors around startup code like signals and startup checks.

This is a real issue for me as well; not necessarily that models.py
isn't loaded at startup time, but the crucial difference in behavior
between runserver and a live deployment in terms of when apps' models
are imported, due to runserver performing model validation and thus
importing all models immediately. I have more than once seen code that
worked perfectly under runserver fail in subtle ways on real
deployment for this reason. (In fact, the most popular Django search
solution, haystack, is particularly susceptible to problems of this
type, as it does some dynamic importing immediately when its models.py
is imported).

So this is certainly on my radar screen as something I'd like to look
at in the 1.4 timeframe. I'm not sure yet what a good solution would
look like, and I'm not entirely convinced that importing all models.py
at startup time is the right answer. In any case, the Google Summer of
Code work by Arthur Koziel on app-classes will impact this area, and
is scheduled for merge in the 1.4 cycle, so I'm kind of waiting for
that to land before looking at this closely.


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