Hello all,

I recently switched to using transactions, and found Django's offering
to be excellent. I was just wondering if we could clarify a small bit
of the documentation - or whether I simply misunderstood it.

When using @transaction.commit_manually, one needs to ROLLBACK or
COMMIT, otherwise the transaction handler will raise the
TransactionManagementError error. That much is clear. But does this
mean the *entire* view needs to be wrapped in a massive "try/except/
else" block? I ask because, if any kind of exception occurs after the
transaction has started, I'll be presented with
TransactionManagementError rather than the exception. This makes
debugging a bit hard.

So basically, the following code:

def some_view(request):
    SomeModel.objects.all() # To trigger the start of a transaction.

will always show the TransactionManagementError if an exception occurs
unless we do:

def some_view(request):
        SomeModel.objects.all() # To trigger the start of a
        # Rest of view body. This could be tons of lines.
    except Exception as e:
        raise e

    return HttpResponse("Made it through the view with no errors")

The documentation *does* show a try/except/else block[1], but I found
it a bit unclear that any and all exceptions need to be caught, the
transaction rolled back, and the exception raised again.

Let me know your thoughts. As always, thanks a lot for the hard work.
Just tried class-based views in 1.3, and they're awesome.



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