Jacob Kaplan-Moss wrote:
I'm +1 in theory. I need to spend some time going through your code,
and I'll need to see some documentation on porting existing wizards to
the new code (unless it's truly 100% backwards compatible). But in
general I think it's a fine idea and something I'd love to target for

Based on the current documentation (http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/contrib/formtools/form-wizard/) of the FormWizard, there are some things to change:

- The "done" method exists in the new FormWizard but there is no request argument, the request instance can be found in self.request.

- the context variable names are prefixed with "form_" and there is no "previous_fields" variable. (data is stored within the session or cookie)

- Hooking into a urlconf has changed, a as_view method needs to be called, because we use the generic class based views.

- The "prefix_for_step" method was renamed to "get_form_prefix" and now gets the form instance as an argument too.

- The methods "render_hash_failure" and "security_hash" don't exist anymore (because of the storage backends)

- The "parse_params" method don't exist anymore but you can hook into the get/post methods.

- The "get_template" method don't exist anymore but there is the get_template_names method from TemplateView.

- The "process_step" method exists but has no request argument (the request instance can be found in self.request)

As you can see, many things changed but I think is reasonable if you look on the improvements.



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