On 12/05/11 00:20, Carl Meyer wrote:

> Yeah, this is bad. I don't have a lot to add at the moment, except to
> also point out #15855 - cache_page as a decorator breaks proper setting
> of Vary headers.
> The reason I bring it up here is just to point out another case,
> unrelated to TemplateResponse, where we promote the idea that you can
> use a decorator as a view-specific equivalent to a middleware, but doing
> so breaks the semantics of the original middleware in subtle but
> significant ways (because it changes the order things happen in).
> Not sure what that implies, except that maybe decorator_from_middleware
> and the pattern it encourages is ultimately at least as problematic as
> TemplateResponse...

Yeah, I guess I was seeing TemplateResponse as the culprit, on the basis
of Last In First Out, but maybe it's decorators we need to be worrying

I've actually documented a specific instance of #15855 in the CRSF docs

And while we're on the subject, another problem with decorators vs.

A stack of decorators can behave differently from the corresponding
stack of middleware, due to subtle differences in the ordering of method
calls e.g. [m1.process_request, m2.process_request, m1.process_view,
m2.process_view] vs [m1.process_request, m1.process_view,
m2.process_request, m2.process_view]



Parenthetical remarks (however relevant) are unnecessary

Luke Plant || http://lukeplant.me.uk/

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