On 27/05/11 14:18, Hanne Moa wrote:
> "From 26th May 2011 websites in the UK need to ask for permission
> before they can set cookies not required for ‘essential’ means"
> http://blog.silktide.com/2011/05/cookie-law-makes-most-uk-websites-illegal-what-you-need-to-know/
> What cookies in Django are "essential"? When not logged in I see that
> the csrf-token cookie is set, and when logged in there's the
> session-cookie. Should one strive only to use csrf-protection (and
> thus the cookie) only when it is needed? Are there other cookies set
> by contrib apps? Should there be something about this in the docs?
> "<list> cookies is essential, you need need to get consent for these
> other ones: <list>"

As the silktide blog points out [1], the ICO site itself [2] is still
setting an ASP.NET session cookie before any 'opt-in', and clearly
considers this 'essential'. It is also clearly *not* essential for some
users - I could browse the site perfectly well with cookies blocked.

So, they obviously consider it 'essential' for technological reasons -
they do not have the technological/financial resources to produce a
solution that doesn't automatically set a session cookie.

On that grounds, we can easily argue the same for our sessions cookies.
We can also argue that the CSRF cookie is essential for security
reasons. It is also only sent when necessary - if you don't have a form
that uses the token, it isn't sent.

The only other cookie we send, as far as I know, is the language cookie.
My interpretation of what I've read is that a site has to get consent
for setting that. In theory I guess a site might need permission any
time it puts anything in the session, since that is equivalent to
setting a cookie.

It's fairly depressing to think about the amount of money wasted by my
government and EU government on making/complying with this new law,
which will do nothing but waste the time and money of many more people.
I'm hoping, however, that the first time this is properly tested in
court, the law will be forced to turn into something more rational.

Also, the previous set of UK laws regarding cookies were basically
ignored by everyone. They apparently stated that you had to:

* tell people how you use cookies, and
* tell them how they could ‘opt out’ if they objected.

I don't think I've been involved with making a site that was compliant
with that, and I've never heard about anyone being prosecuted under
those laws.



[2] http://www.ico.gov.uk/

"The one day you'd sell your soul for something, souls are a glut."

Luke Plant || http://lukeplant.me.uk/

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