On Jun 20, 12:13 pm, Andre Terra <andrete...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Have we moved forward with this issue at all? What is its current status?

I also maintain an external package that implements fieldsets (django-
form-utils [1]). Both django-form-utils and WTForm take the approach
of adding a Python data structure to Form.Meta that represents the
fieldsets. At one point I had thought I would push a patch to get a
fieldsets API like this into django.forms, but I'm no longer convinced
that's a good plan.

For the admin, representing fieldsets in a Python data structure in
the ModelAdmin is necessary and appropriate, since the admin is auto-
generating form rendering for a wide variety of Python models, and a
Python programmer should be able to generate these fieldsets by
touching only Python code. That's a special case. In general,
rendering of forms with fieldsets is a purely presentational issue
(the fieldsets don't impact the data submitted by the form), so I
think having fieldsets represented in Python code is the wrong
approach (and will inevitably lack the flexibility the designer needs
in their markup, just like the current hardcoded form field rendering
does). A template author and designer should be able to make changes
to the markup presentation of a form, including fieldsets, without
needing to touch Python code at all.

Gregor Müllegger is currently working on a Google Summer of Code
project to provide a templates-based flexible form rendering system. I
think this system will be flexible enough to allow template authors to
use fieldsets with forms easily and non-repetitively.


[1] http://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-form-utils

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