On 06/23/2011 04:43 PM, Jacob Kaplan-Moss wrote:
> 1. Performance: it looks, to me, like rending a basic form is going to
> cause dozens of template includes and dozens of sub-renders (the form
> loads a form template which loads row templates which load widget
> templates). That's dozens of disk hits, and a lot of overhead for form
> rendering. I worry about this overhead a lot. Django's performance has
> slipped lately, and I'm really afraid this'll make things a lot worse.
> So I'm going to need to see some benchmarks -- particularly in how a
> simple {% form myform %} compares to {{ form.as_* }}.
> The wrong performance benchmarks could result in a veto from me; this
> is important.

We've had a fair bit of discussion on this, and some benchmarks, around
Bruno's work porting django-floppyforms (templated widgets) to a core
patch (https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/15667). The disk hits
aren't a big concern to me - if you are at a point where you have to
care about template speed, you already need to be using the cached
template loader regardless. But just plain rendering speed is a problem
- even with just widgets in templates, in some pathological cases (e.g.
a ChoiceField with tons of choices) it can be quite significantly
slower. Enough so that I put #15667 in the icebox for now, pending
seeing the impact of Armin's GSoC.

I really think templated form-rendering is a massive improvement in
Django for front-end devs, so I'm very hopeful that Armin's work can
make rendering speed a non-issue. No pressure, Armin ;-)


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