Hi Jannis,

Thanks for your efford on staticfiles!

I guess the patch is okay, but I didn't review it in detail.

Also a utility function in staticfiles for reading the actual content
on the server side, giving a relative path would be nice if such one
does not yet exist.

from staticfiles.utils import staticfile_open
filepointer = staticfile_open('my-relative-path...')


On 8 août, 12:17, Jannis Leidel <lei...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I believe I'm getting close to a fix for #15252 which would add
> a bunch of new features to the staticfiles contrib app. I'd
> appreciated it if someone would review the latest patch at
>    https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/15252
> ``static`` template tag
> -----------------------
> The purpose of the template tag is to make it easier to refer
> to static files from templates while extending the possibilities
> at the same time. So instead of relying on a context variable
> named ``STATIC_URL`` you could alternatively use the new template
> tag with a relative path of a file you want the URL for, e.g.:
>     {% static "css/base.css" %}
> Behind the scenes it uses the configured storage backend that
> staticfiles uses when you run collectstatic (STATICFILES_STORAGE),
> which means it's also works with non-local storage backends,
> such as one that deploys to a private Amazon S3 bucket which
> requires using signed URLs to access a file.
> In other words, it allows a much richer API to building the URL
> of a static file by using the storage API that is already in place.
> CachedStaticFilesStorage
> ------------------------
> The second feature is an optional storage backend which hooks
> right into the new template tag and is a subclass of the default
> StaticFilesStorage (which is a subclass of FileSystemStorage).
> It basically adds "cache-busting" abilities to staticfiles.
> Specifically, when enabled and you run collectstatic it saves
> a second version of each file it finds, only with a MD5 hash
> appended to the filename, which is generated with its own content.
> So if a ``css/base.css`` would be collected, it would also deploy
> a ``css/base.27e20196a850.css``. Any CSS @import and url()
> statements are automatically replaced with the cached path in
> those cached files, too.
> Later, when the ``static`` template tag tries to create the URL
> for ``css/base.css``, it will use the same code path to return the
> URL to the cached file instead. To lower the burden of calculating
> the MD5 hash, the result is cached in an own cache backend named
> "staticfiles" (falls back to "default" if not specified in CACHES).
> I've written this functionality as a mixin (CachedFilesMixin), so it
> should be possible to use it with any storage backend that supports
> the common API (url(), open() and save()).
> I'd appreciate if you would test-drive the feature and let me know
> if you find any big issues since I plan to merge this very soon.
> Thanks!
> Jannis

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