On 26 August 2011 07:55, Amirouche Boubekki <amirouche.boube...@gmail.com>wrote:

> 2011/8/25 Mikhail Korobov <kmik...@googlemail.com>
>> There are many big and well-known sites built with django and I think
>> mentioning these sites and providing testimonials from people working on
>> these sites can be better advertisement.
> Yes and no. Advertising on big websites & applications powered by django
> would be a plus but it can be misleading. I think anybody could agree that
> this same applications could have been done in PHP or Flask with the same
> success (see Facebook ?).

While there are successful and large websites out there built with any
technology under the sun, I believe it is important to show that you *can*
use Django to build such sites. Nobody will trust that you are webscale™ until
you can show some concrete evidence of it :-)

Seeing that there are successful and large websites built with Django
certainly isn't enough to convince someone but it isn't just a plus either.
It is rather the *bare minimum* one needs to be reassured that they're not
wasting their time learning this new framework.

> Engineers and people that take decisions in general want to know if it gets
> things done, but also how does it compare to other solutions.
> Comparing on features would be more engineer-minded that «How do you feel
> about Django». Engineering is not about feelings, it's a complex choice that
> weights pros & cons which can be technical but also social and commercial...
> In javascript world is common to compare frameworks based on speed, size,
> we could extend this to common problems regarding website building like
> cache management, authentication, authorization, L10N, I18N, db support,
> professional support, community support and the like... and even do code to
> code comparison if it makes sens.

Comparisons are important but I'd rather encourage third parties to write
them up. Comparisons can really only be trusted from people who have
extended experience in all the compared frameworks and who do not appear
biased towards one or another. One should always be cautious with
websites/frameworks/products/whatever boasting that they are so much more
awesome than the others :-)


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