Hello everybody,

Sorry if this topic has already been brought, I asked about it on IRC but
nobody answered.

Being a old user of xUnit patterns in several languages, i just figured that
there might be a mistake in django testing documentation example.

The example is: self.assertEqual(self.lion.speak(), 'The lion says "roar"')

Which corresponds to: assertEqual(actual, expected)

Wheras the xUnit convention is: assertEqual(expected, actual)

For poeple who are not already aware of this decade old convention: "By
convention, the expected value is specified first and the actual value
follows it". Source:
http://xunitpatterns.com/Assertion%20Method.html#Equality Assertion

Apparently, Python's unittest assertEqual documentation does not mention
this convention:

Why do you think Python took such a position against a decade old convention
in every language i had the chance to test in ?

What's your position ?


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