On 3 February 2012 22:03, Adrian Holovaty <adr...@holovaty.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 11:46 AM, Karthik Abinav
> <karthikabin...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>   I was thinking about a feature that could be implemented. For common
>> fields like username having only alphanumeric , or phone numbers having only
>> numbers, a client side validation need not be written every time.Instead one
>> could directly write something like,
>> forms.CharField(validator = "usernamevalidation")
>> in the forms definition and the client side validation for that field would
>> automatically be taken care of by the validator class. This will save a lot
>> of time while making large websites with lot of registration forms and in
>> general be helpful to people who dont really know javascript and yet want
>> some amount of frontend validation in place.
> I like the idea of having a JavaScript version of form validation.
> Basically we could make a view class that takes a Form object in
> __init__() and returns JSON of the errors in a consistent way -- this
> would be very easy to do. Then we could provide some standard
> JavaScript to parse that JSON and add the error messages to the
> appropriate fields in the form in a consistent way.

I don't get it. That would require sending the data to the server
(right?), so it's not
really client-side. I think http://www.dajaxproject.com/ does exactly that.

What I would like to see instead is providing HTML5 attributes for
standard fields and
making it easier to add ones to custom ones. Some simple to implement
ones are: "required", min/max for number fields, max_length for a
textarea. Regular expression can be supported via "pattern" (with some
code to translate them to JS regexp syntax).

Łukasz Rekucki

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