Hi all,

this could very well be one of those "don't do that" things, but here is my 

I have been using some specific permissions concerning the auth user model, 
so I created a proxy model on user like this:

class User(auth_models.User):
    class Meta:
        proxy = True
        permissions = (
            ("display_users", "May display users information"),
            ("edit_users", "May edit users information"),

In 1.3 these custom permissions were created during syncdb (linked to the 
auth.User model).

Now I was testing my project with the 1.4 RC, and it turns out those 
permissions are no longer created.

This is caused by the refactor of the create_permissions code, which now 
uses get_for_models to determine the class to get the options for, but this 
returns the proxied class (auth.User), not the proxy class, so my custom 
permissions are not found and not created.

Maybe I am using the proxy model for something it was not intended for. If 
so, it might be a good idea to add a warning in the release notes about 
this, in case others are doing something similar.

BTW, thanks for yet another awesome new release.


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