
I would like to share some early stage thoughts on this matter.

On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 5:01 PM, Donald Stufft <donald.stu...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Friday, March 16, 2012 at 3:59 PM, David Danier wrote:
> ...
> Currently auth consists of multiple things:
> * authentication
> * authorization / permissions
> * Users
> * Groups
> Maybe the problem is that we think an User as a person. The User model
could be more like an Account, having only attributes related to

In that case, even the email address could be placed somewhere else. I
understand that the email address is important, but for registration
purposes, not for authentication. It seems to me that what really describes
an User is in fact the User Profile (as metadata about an account).

If we could separate the user creation process from the User model and put
it as part of a registration entity or something, a project could
extend/override it to set the account content and create the auxiliary
models properly. This would allow the use of an username, or an email or
any kind of unique identifier. We still would need to fix the column
length, but this would help to keep the authentication process consistent.

This would have impact on the admin. But maybe the User attributes needed
by the admin should be provided there, as a model with FK to the Account.

All the best,

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