On Tuesday, March 20, 2012 at 11:25 AM, Alex Ogier wrote:
> There have been various proposals about replacing the User class with
> an abstract base class. Ian Lewis has a semi-workable version at
> http://ianlewis.bitbucket.org/django-newauth/index.html but its
> proposal met with resistance in part because there's not a great
> migration path from existing apps. I recently attended a Boston-area
> python meetup, and met James Sullivan and Max Thayer, two of the guys
> behind www.matchbox.net (http://www.matchbox.net). We came up with a similar 
> solution to Ian's,
> but with a better path away from the status quo. Here's our flavor of
> the abstract base class, based on the needs we see in other threads.
> Starting from a basic set of premises:
> 1. People want to rip out auth.User’s authentication strictures
> (username, email, password)
> 2. People want to plug in fields via distribution of apps, not just in
> one project-wide user table
> 3. People want to depend on auth.User, by foreign key mostly
> 4. For the foreseeable future, by default auth.User has to map to its
> old DB table
> Here’s the clear winner for me: Make auth.User a subclass of an
> abstract base class. It seems no one minds the whole auth permissions
> thing sticking around even if it goes unused (if it ain’t broke don’t
> fix it), so leave all that on auth.User and move everything else to
> auth.DefaultUser, which is a class with Meta.abstract = True. Have
> auth.User inherit from DefaultUser by default, with a setting to
> override that with your own class(es). Languages like Ruby do this
> with mixins, we do it with
> https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/db/models/#multiple-inheritance
> There are definitely some cons:
> 1. Requiring classes and settings to be available at the time of
> definition of auth.User means circular dependencies are a problem.
> 2. Multiple inheritance is wonky and confusing in python, and only a
> hackish sort of standin for mixins.
> 3. In the absence of a way to override fields (something that might be
> added later?), you can’t subclass DefaultUser hoping to change a
> default field, you can only add fields or reimplement the whole thing.
> Thankfully that would be much easier.
> But still the benefits are pretty large:
> 1. No changes to existing applications.
> 2. The common case of adding fields to users is easier even than
> profiles: subclass DefaultUser, add your stuff, change a setting. No
> get_profile() or select_related mumbo-jumbo.
> 3. The second use-case of ripping out auth.User’s broken assumptions
> is possible: rewrite DefaultUser in your project.
> 4. The third use-case of plugging app mixins into the User model is easy.
> 5. The migration path is easy. You can incrementally step away from
> the default user model, and (assuming running your migration framework
> on a django.contrib app doesn’t blow up somehow) you can take
> advantage of migrations without requiring them.
> 6. When you change fields, you break only the stuff that depends on
> them. If you remove the username field, then half the default forms
> stop working, but there’s no reason for auth middleware to break, etc.
> Anyways, asides for circular dependency edge cases I think the rest of
> the downsides can be mitigated by good docs. What do you guys think?
> -Alex Ogier
> P.S. I hear you are accepting GSOC applications.
> --  
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This is pretty much exactly what django-primate does, except it includes a 
special metaclass to allow  
overriding of default fields.

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