On 20 March 2012 17:50, Piotr Grabowski <grabowski...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> My name is Piotr Grabowski. I'm last year student at the Institute of
> Computer Science University of Wrocław (Poland). I want to share with you
> draft of my GSOC proposal.

Hi, nice to meet you :)

> http://pastebin.com/ePRUj5HC

IMHO, Sending the full text to the list would make it easier to
comment on specific points.

I like your approach in overall - mainly because I've been using a
similar one for a few months now ;). Some comments after a quick read:

    1) The Meta.structure things looks like a non-starter to me. It's
a DSL inside a DSL. I'm also not sure what it actually does - you
already have all those @attribute decorators, why repeat their names
in some string?

    2) Meta.fk_level - I don't think this is really useful (AFAIR, the
previous GSOC had this and it wan't very well received). In 80% cases
you know exactly which FKs you want to have on the model. If the
related objects also have FKs, then either they are important or they
can be omitted. Cutting off at some arbitrary depth doesn't feel
right. In my code, I instead define "named" serializers for models and
resolved them based on the "path". This way I can get different fields
for "User related to Comment" and "User related to Task", while
avoiding an infinite loop.

    3) Did you thought about splitting the serialization process in
two parts (dehydration + presentation)? This is what most REST
frameworks do. First you serialize the objects into Python native
types, then render it to any format.

Łukasz Rekucki

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