On 23/03/2012, at 9:50 AM, Alex Ogier wrote:

> I hope you don't mind, I added solution 2a. It's basically solution 2 minus 
> the monkey-patching and resultant circular dependency issues, and 
> correspondingly requires apps to opt-in to supporting pluggable Users. It 
> documents the reasoning behind the changes in 
> https://github.com/ogier/django/tree/auth-mixins

... and I hope you don't mind, I've just corrected some of the assertions you 

 * This solution still has the circular dependency, because any app with a 
ForeignKey(settings.USER_MODEL) needs to have a settings import in the 
models.py file

 * It isn't a transparent migration for any third party app -- they need to be 
updated to use ForeignKey(settings.USER_MODEL), not ForeignKey(User). However, 
the failure modes will be interesting, because the auth_user table will still 
exist -- so apps will have a legal FK to a table that will be empty.

Russ Magee %-)

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