On 04/04/2012, at 4:42 AM, Carl Meyer wrote:

> On 04/03/2012 02:34 PM, Daniel Sokolowski wrote:
>> Correct me if I’m wrong but both LFK or a swappable user model approach
>> like your fail to address issue of extensibility. If today my project is
>> authorizing with username and password and tomorrow I wish to add
>> OpenAuth then my User model is replaced, whereas with Jacobs approach I
>> add another profile model, yes? What about auth apps, you could only use
>> one, with profiles many could co exist; one for Facebook, Twitter, etc.
> You would add whatever authorization fields you need to your single user
> model. If you add new kinds of authorization that require new fields on
> the user model, you'd do a schema migration (just like with any other
> modification to any other model).
> A third-party app that wants to provide, say, Facebook integration,
> could either do its own model with a one-to-one to user (nothing is
> going to suddenly prevent that approach, it just won't have any extra
> sugar around it), or could provide an abstract base class that your user
> model can inherit from that includes the needed fields, or could just
> document "to use this app, your user model must have these fields: ..."
> and let you do it yourself.

Extending on this -- User model requirements should be encoded as part of an 
integration test suite. 

As an example of best practice, django.contrib.admin should implement a 
UserPropertiesTest that checks that the current USER_MODEL has an email field, 
and a get_permissions method, and so on. That way, if you swap in a user model 
that doesn't have the properties that the admin requires, it will get flagged 
as a issue during testing.

This should, of course, be backed up with a clear documentation of exactly what 
type of User-duck Django's admin requires.

Russ Magee %-)

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