Thanks Anssi, but I think the interface contract for a pluggable app *should* 
be on the pluggable app's profile, instead of relying on an assumption that 
developers will have created a user model that is duck typed to suit every 
pluggable app installed in the project (which might not be practical or even 

For the sake of avoiding duplication, which could be managed with signals and 
the save() method of a project level profile, you potentially overload fields 
that are not analogous across pluggable apps by sharing a single namespace. 
E.g. is_active for the admin may not mean is_active for app2 or app3.

Jacob, by having to define a minimum set of fields that users must implement in 
their swappable User model to support contrib apps like the admin, don't we end 
up exactly where we are now? Isn't this exactly what we have already?

The only difference I see then is that the interface would be defined in docs 
instead of a model and re-implemented by developers for every project, and 
pluggable apps will often require a schema migration on the swapped-in project 
level User model when adding a pluggable app to an established project.

In my ideal scenario, User would be a glue model with just a PK, and maybe some 
convenience methods. AdminProfile would not have username or password fields, 
but would have is_active, is_superuser, and maybe optionally a name, etc.

Developers would need to create at least one model in their project, which 
would be a subclass of BaseAuthModel in most cases, which stores authentication 

They would also need to create an auth backend, which would be a subclass of 
BaseAuthBackend in most cases.

Pluggable apps could also define auth models and backends if they require 
specific auth to function (e.g. an app that adds twitter integration.)

Then people could login to the admin and any other pluggable apps using 
whatever credentials and authentication system they like (username/email and 
password, twitter, Facebook, openid, etc.) Developers wouldn't need to 
implement a minimal set of fields or do a database schema migration to support 
or install any pluggable apps.

If app1 or app2 require access to an email address (for example), their 
profiles should have a required email field. It should be up to the project 
developer to make sure that an email address is set when creating an app1 or 
app2 profile for a User, and synchronizing them between app1 and app2 (if 

I think the data duplication issue is much easier for project developers to 
manage explicitly without resorting to magic and assumptions than sharing or 
combining namespaces for profile data, doing database scheme migrations, and 
duck typing a single model for use with multiple pluggable apps.


On 06/04/2012, at 7:42 AM, Anssi Kääriäinen <> wrote:

> On Apr 5, 11:29 pm, Tai Lee <> wrote:
>> But I still don't see how a swapped in `User` model which *has* to behave in 
>> a specified way so that it can work with the Django admin and any other 
>> pluggable apps that might have special requirements, is any better than 
>> simply allowing the admin and other pluggable apps to have their profile and 
>> authentication needs self-contained?
>> If Django's `User` model was just a stub (without even username and password 
>> fields), and Django shipped with an abstract `BaseAuth` model with a 
>> `username` field that was email compliant and a `password` field, and 
>> corresponding `BaseAuthForm` and `BaseAuthBackend`, then user's can still 
>> create their own `User` model with literally *whatever* fields they want in 
>> it, they can use the standard auth fields, form and backend provided by 
>> Django, or roll their own.
>> Instead of creating a custom `User` model that quacks like an admin duck, 
>> and quacks like every pluggable app that is installed as well, all they need 
>> to do is create/update an an `AdminUser` whenever their custom `User` is 
>> saved.
>> This is explicit, the admin and other pluggable apps know where to access 
>> information that they need (from their own models), and the developer has 
>> control over how the data is kept in sync across the pluggable apps used in 
>> the project, at the project level.
> If every application provides a profile which matches it needs, you
> will get a serious case of data-duplication. Every application which
> needs email-address should then create a profile containing the email.
> Another way to solve this would be to check the existing profiles for
> the email field, and now you have introduced some magic, and in
> addition you have mostly just moved the interface contract from the
> User model to its profile. So, you have the same problem again. This
> is the failing of the profile based approach: you don't actually solve
> anything by it, you just move the problem around (and introduce more
> problems by doing that). (Yes, I was +1 on the idea. Opinions
> change...)
> I guess 90% of users will either use the BackwardsCompatibilityUser,
> or the new shiny FixedUser. For most users they are more than
> adequate. The issue is only when you really need something completely
> different for one reason or another. In addition with proxy models and
> custom managers you can have pretty good profile based approach in the
> cases where you need it. It is a good approach if you have
> TwitterUser, FaceBookUser, GooglePlusUser and so on. (Or CustomerUser,
> EmployeeUser and so on).
> I bet one of the hardest problems will be how to define the ORM
> interface, and how custom classes can fulfill
> that. .filter(is_admin=True) can only work if there is a is_admin
> field. I guess everything will need to go through manager methods, and
> the "must implement" set must be kept at minimum.
> - Anssi
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