On Friday 4 May 2012 at 13:30, Karen Tracey wrote:
> On Fri, May 4, 2012 at 4:46 AM, Andreas Pelme <andr...@pelme.se 
> (mailto:andr...@pelme.se)> wrote:
> > 
> > That's a good question. Anyone who wrote to original 
> > TransactionTestCase/reordering implementation that wants to chime in? :-)
> I worked on the test speedups that introduced TransactionTestCase and
> I added the re-ordering, but the behavior of database flush being done
> at the beginning of a test existed before that work. The conversation
> that led to addition of the reordering is here:
> http://groups.google.com/group/django-developers/browse_thread/thread/1e4f4c840b180895/
> doctests (which we have no more?) play a prominent role in that
> discussion. While we have gotten rid of doctests in Django's own
> suite, we still support apps which may use doctests in their code, so
> anything we do to change when the DB is cleared needs to take that
> into account. On the table then was the idea of adding cleanup after
> doctests, possibly that would need to be re-considered if you want to
> move the database clearing to the end of everything rather than the
> beginning of TransactionTestCase.

#12408 is related here, which is caused by TransactionTestCase's not cleaning 
up after themselves. Rather than changing the test order to TestCase -> 
doctests -> TransactionTestCase I think the solution below is better.

Karens proposed a fix for this (#2) in the above thread [1], it basically says:

1) Make TransactionTestCase clean up after itself
2) Order the test suite to make sure doctests are always run *last*

That would run all unittest-style test cases first (the order of TestCase / 
TransactionTestCase will not be important), and last, all doctests.

A test suite that have doctests that *expects* state to be left from a 
TransactionTestCase before it would be broken by this change. In my opinion, a 
test suite with such expectations is already very broken and needs to be fixed 
any way, and should not be considered a blocker to this change (in that case, 
#12408 is a blocker too, since that effect will be the same).

I have updated my pull request to make unittest.TestCase subclasses to run 
first (i.e. doctests will run after all unit tests):

Am I missing something? This seems like the most reliable way to solve this to 

(I originally discovered this when I tried to run my tests with an alternative 
test runner, which does not order the tests in any particular way. I will still 
not be able to run doctests that does not clean up after themselves in 
arbitrary order, but as long as I document that's not supported with my test 
runner, I don't consider that to be a problem.)


[1] https://groups.google.com/d/msg/django-developers/Hk9MhAsYCJU/fB4rj7F5SXEJ

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