W dniu 29.05.2012 02:28, Russell Keith-Magee pisze:
Hi Piotr;

Apologies for the delay in responding to your updated API.

On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 6:59 AM, Piotr Grabowski<grabowski...@gmail.com>  wrote:
I do some changes to my previous API: (https://gist.github.com/2597306<-
change are included)

  * which fields of object are default serialized. It's depend on
include_default_field but opposite to Tom Christie solution it's default
value is True so all fields (eventually specified in Meta.model_fields) are
Field options:

  * There's a complication here that doesn't make sense to me.
Following your syntax, the following would appear to be legal:

class FieldA(Field):
     def serialize(…):
     def deserialize(…):

class FieldB(Field):
     to = FieldA()

     def serialize(…):
     def deserialize(…):

class FieldC(Field):
     to = FieldB(attribute=True)

     def serialize(…):
     def deserialize(…):

i.e., if Field allows declaration style definitions, and Field can be
*used* in declaration style definitions, then it's possible to define
them in a nested fashion -- at which point, it isn't clear to me what
is going to be output.

It seems to me that "attribute" shouldn't be an option on a field
declaration; it should either be something that's encompassed in a
similar way to serialise/deserialize (i.e., either additional
input/output from the serialise methods, or a parallel pair of
methods), or the use of a Field as a declarative definition implies
that it is of type attribute, and prevents the use of field types that
themselves have attributes.
In example that You present I thought about raising an exception when the 
FieldC is defined. Another option is to define class as being attribute:
class FieldB(Field):
    to = FieldA()

    def serialize(…):
    def deserialize(…):

    class Meta:

Then raise an exception when FieldB is defined because of 'to' field. Still one 
of my principle is to have one Serializer for all formats (or at least 
possibility to serialize Serializer in each format) and attribute is something 
really problematic.

About value returns by Field.serialize (Serializer.serialize in general) - now 
it is dict with key __attribute__, maybe better will be to return tuple 
(dict/field_value, attributes_dict) because of issues if there is no field_name 
and attributes are present.

Field methods:

  * serialize_value(), deserialize_value(); this is bike shedding, but
is there any reason to not use just "serialize() and deserialize()"?
I'm using serialize and deserialize in my code. Serializer.serialize(...) returns native python datatype. It's matter of naming but in my opinion serialize is method that should return serialized Field/ObjectSerializer not only part of result (serialized_value returns only part of data needed for Field serialization)

ObjectSerializer methods:

  * Why does ObjectSerializer have options at all? How can it be "meta"
operating on a generic object? Consider -- if you pass in an instance
of an object, you'll need to use obj.field_name to access fields; if
you pass in a dictionary, you'll need to use obj['field_name']. And if
you're given a generic object what's the list of default fields to

Like I said last time, ObjectSerializer should be completely
definition based. Look at Django's Form base class - it has no "meta"
concept -- it's fully declaration based. Then there's ModelForm, which
has a meta class; but the output of the ModelForm could be completely
manually generated using a base Form.
Ok, I think I get this idea finally. Before I think about class Meta more like options for class where it is. ObjectSerializer now is more like ModelForm than like Form. I have idea how to rewrite it and I will notice You when it will be done.
  * I mentioned this last time -- why is class_name a meta option,
rather than a method on the base class with a default implementation?
Having it as an Meta attribute
I answered You last time, I should add this to proposal. Probably I don't understand the issue.

get_class(self, data):
    if self._meta.class_name is not None:
        if isinstance(self._meta.class_name, str):
            return object_from_string(data['self._meta.class_name'])
            return self._meta.class_name
    raise Exception('No class for deserialization provided')

If someone wants more sophisticated class from data resolving then he can override get_class.

When I rewrite ObjectSerializer it will be different than this but my idea is to have class_name as short cut for writing method get_class.

  * I'm not wild about the way related_serializer seems to work,
either. Again, like class_name, it seems like it should be a method,
not an option. By making it an option, you're assuming that it will
have a single obvious value, which definitely won't be true -- e.g., I
have an object with relations to users, groups and permissions; I want
to output users as a list of nested objects, permissions as a list of
natural keys, and groups as a list of primary keys.
related_serialized is default way to serialized related field:

class MySerializer(Serializer):
    users = NestedSerializer()
    permissions = NaturalKeyField()

    class Meta:

In Your example where there are only 3 related fields is unnecessary but if I have object with many related fields, each of them should be serialized as pk and only few as for example natural keys? related_serializer is quite useful in that case.

In Serializer it is actually method for getting field serializer. (Of course it will be expanded)

def get_serializer_for_field(self, field_name): # for all fields that has not defined serializers
        return self.opts.field_serializer()

  * I'm not sure I see why include_default_fields is needed. Isn't this
implied by the values for "fields" and "exclude"? i.e., if fields or
exclude is defined, you're not including everything by default;
otherwise you are. Why the additional setting? What's the interaction
of include_default_fields with fields and exclude?
Yes, you right. I will change that.

  * I don't understand what follow_object is trying to do. Isn't the
issue here whether you use a serializer that just outputs a primary
key, or an object that outputs field values? And if it's the latter,
the sub-serializer determines how deep things go?
Tom Christie asked me a question:
In your dump data serializer, how do you distinguish that the 'fields' field is the entire object being serialized rather than the 'fields' attribute of the object being serialized?
It was related to:
class YJDumpDataSerializer(ModelSerializer):
    pk = PkField(attribute=True)
    model = ModelNameField(attribute=True)
    fields = ModelFieldsSerializer()

I don't understand him and gave wrong answer.
Suppose YJDumpDataSerializer is serializing object X. The question is on which object should ModelFieldSerializer work - on object returned by X.fields or on X itself. Default it's X.fields. In this case ModelFieldsSerialize should work on X. How can I tell ModelFieldsSerializer that it should work on X itself? follow_object=False is for that. Maybe it should be given in instantiation: ModelFieldSerializer(follow_object=False) ?

ModelSerializer options:

  * I'm really not a fan of model_fields. This seems like a short cut
that will make the implementation a whole lot more complex, and
ultimately is much less explicit than just naming the fields that you
want to serialize.

I thought it will be useful short cut but now I can agree with you. I will change that
I'm aware that there will be lot of small issues but I believe that ideas
are good.
I'm still optimistic, but there's still some fundamental issues here
-- in particular, the existence of Meta on ObjectSerializer, and the
way that attributes on XML tags are being handled. I don't think we've
hit any blockers, but we need to get these sorted out before you start
producing too much code.

Russ Magee %-)

Piotr Grabowski

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