Hi all,

Recently, I have been working on some patches for
contrib.sessions. These include server side sessions expiry check
(#18194) and some other trivial changes. These changes are in the pull
request [#78][pull-78]

The expiry checks is be done in the base backend, i.e. inherited by
every backend, utilizing the timed signer from signing framework. This
would mean that only session data which was signed within a duration
of `settings.SESSION_COOKIE_AGE` will be valid. The format in which
session data is stored is changed with this, so existing sessions are
invalidated and reset.
To prevent loss of existing sessions, I have provided a compatibility
setting which when set to true, will run the legacy decoding mechanism
on a failed session decode with new one. This does make the system
susceptible to all attacks possible with the previous mechanism.

I have moved the session cleanup command logic to individual backend.
Cleanup for sessions data will be done on the basis of current backend
setting, instead of just for the database backend.

Also, the session key character set is now `a-z0-9`.


[pull-78]: https://github.com/django/django/pull/78

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