Hey all, just a quick reminder - we're running this docs sprint today,
starting now.

If you'd like to participant remotely, join #django-sprint.

If you are a core contrib and might -1 our changes, I'd love to hear
feedback. :)

I'll put up a page with some useful links soon, and it will be linked
from the Sprints page: https://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/Sprints

On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 1:27 PM, Marijonas Petrauskas <marp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> +1!
> Few other thoughts -
> It would also be nice to have best practices regarding version control
> system file layout (eg. local settings pattern). Besides, I think that
> tutorial (and overall Django) recommendation to use absolute paths for
> project-relative locations (templates, static dirs) in settings file is a
> bit sub-optimal, particularly when project is stored in a shared repository.
> Most of us end up using os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__... trick, so
> why not make it 'recommended'? Current 'official' approach is to make a copy
> of settings.py file for each installation. However, usually only a small
> part of the directives vary from installation to installation, and copying
> common directives is against DRY.
> Have fun,
> Marijonas
> On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 8:44 PM, Luke Granger-Brown <luk...@lukegb.com>
> wrote:
>> I think it would be good to make a new documentation page suggesting
>> various best practices - speaking from my point of view, it was hard for me
>> to figure out what I *should* be doing, because everyone was doing it
>> differently and each method had their own pros and cons. I ended up using a
>> mishmash and was in a nightmare situation where nothing actually worked.
>> Obviously this page would need to be kept up to date - maybe even just
>> "some people said these things about Django best practices, read these
>> blogposts for information" would be fine - just some starting pointers. I
>> know especially on Windows its not that uncommon to entirely neglect
>> pip/virtualenv.
>> On Jul 17, 2012 8:31 PM, "Alex Ogier" <alex.og...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 3:07 PM, Jeremy Dunck <jdu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I was wondering if people would be opposed to an opinionated tutorial?
>>>>  For example: you should use virtualenv and pip, south, should handle
>>>> requirements this way, should prefer factories over fixtures, should
>>>> have this project directory layout, etc.
>>>> I could go either way - my preferred approach isn't right in all
>>>> cases, and it might seem a distraction to the absolute beginner or a
>>>> person who has their own opinions.
>>> I think we should shy away from teaching "best practices" when they are
>>> external to Django. Pointing people at other useful projects in an aside may
>>> be useful, but making pip, virtualenv and south part of the mainline
>>> tutorial is a bad idea for two reasons: (1) For people who are already
>>> versed in python and/or web development best practices, it takes away from
>>> what they want to learn: the core features of Django that differentiate it
>>> from other frameworks. (2) For people who are brand new to programming
>>> and/or python, it blurs boundaries and confuses them about what is really
>>> important. A new programmer has no way to distinguish between "manage.py
>>> startproject tutorial" and "pip install south". One is a core feature of
>>> Django development, the other is a third-party Python tool to download a
>>> third-party dependency.
>>> People can and do write blog posts all the time that go something like,
>>> "How to install Django on Ubuntu 12.04" that give a series of six commands
>>> to paste into a console. There's always the danger that they are incorrect
>>> or misguided, but on the whole they are more likely to be relevant for
>>> setting up a sane Django environment on some specific operating system than
>>> we can be in a general tutorial. They are also dated and appropriately
>>> transient: a blog post from 2008 can be forgiven for missing some latest
>>> best practices, whereas a tutorial enshrined in Django's official
>>> documentation cannot.
>>> Best,
>>> Alex Ogier
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