
Here is a feature request : as a developer, I'd like to know the current 
URL name, app name or namespace (or any information gathered during URL 
resolution) within views, templates... i.e. attached to a request object. 

Some use cases:

* display some content only if inside an application 
* set a menu item as active if url_name of current request matches url_name 
of menu link 
* enable a context_processor if only within some application (performance 

As far as I know, this feature isn't available currently.

We do have request.path_info. Is it enough? It works, sometimes. But that's 
not a rule. As an example, when URL are localized, request.path_info 
changes. Request.path_info is not a reference a developer should rely on. 
Whereas named URL patterns seems suitable (and even, made for that purpose).

Looking at the code, I'm supposing such a feature could be implemented 
quite easily: 

* During URL resolution, resolvers return a ResolveMatch object (see 

* ResolveMatch instances have attributes such as app_name, url_name... 
That's what I'm looking for. See 

* HTTP handlers are the ones which manage both the URL resolution and the 
request object. They could assign url_name or app_name to request. See 

I mean, in 
we have: 

callback, callback_args, callback_kwargs = 
> resolver.resolve(request.path_info) 

But if we had something like: 

request.resolver_match = resolver.resolve(request.path_info) 
> callback, callback_args, callback_kwargs = request.resolver_match 

Then, in templates, we could write something like: 

<a href="{% url foo %}" {% if request.resolver_match.url_name == 'foo' 
> %}class="active"{% endif %}>Foo</a> 

May I create a ticket for this feature request? 


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