So a number of issues have come up in the review of this feature that I'd 
like to summarize here.

The first boils down to feature basically being another case of an:

That is, the idea of a lookup matching against an instance in memory, will 
never completely mimic the behavior of that lookup when generating a DB 
query through the ORM.  It is a situation where most of the common use 
cases can probably be handled - but there are probably a number of edge 
cases lurking that would add some degree of maintenance burden were this 
feature to land.

The second issue is that this adds more code that relies on a currently 
imperfect lookup system.  Current query_terms, and now, for predicates, 
matching_functions live as part of the query object - a non-public object 
that, in part, determines what is a valid lookup.  This all could be 
refactored to be more associated with the fields themselves.  This is 
mostly an internal issue, as I feel the feature could always be refactored 
to take advantage of improvements to the internals without changing the 
public API of the predicate feature.  While explicit manager passing would 
probably no longer be required with improved internals - it could still be 
supported/ignored, and the explicit use of a manager is already in and of 
itself a pretty uncommon edge case requirement in the current 

For a ticket that tracks the lookup refactoring ideas, see:

Finally - along with the ORM mismatch issue, there exists some potential 
for abuse of this feature that would result in very poor performance.  This 
is a case of: can the documentation make this clear enough that reasonable 
people won't shoot themselves in the foot. I'm not overly concerned about 
giving people enough rope to hurt themselves - but even a reasonable dev 
not doing any profiling could find themselves using this feature with 
either large arrays of instances, or with extensive conditions that follow 
deep relationships where the ORM and querysets would do a better job 
leveraging your database.  Exactly where that line exists depends on too 
many factors to lay out out clearly in documentation.

So that is an update on where this feature stands

If it does not make it into 1.5 - I can probably factor out most of the 
improvements back into the external django-predicate package, with a couple 
somewhat ugly hacks to support the GIS related matches.  There was some 
brief debate on IRC about how Django can best unearth edge case bugs in 
features that are candidates for inclusion into core, without the exposure 
that being in core offers.

Thanks to everyone who has participated in the discussion so far - most of 
which is occurring on the PR, not the ticket:


On Saturday, September 22, 2012 12:55:26 PM UTC-7, ptone wrote:
> I've implemented predicate test like functionality for Q objects.
> In brief, this lets you define a condition in a Q object and then test 
> whether a model instance matches the condition.
> I believe this to be a relatively complete patch, and would appreciate any 
> review people can offer.
> To be clear, a review of the documentation as a user is also helpful, so 
> don't be shy ;-)
> I'm hoping to land this for 1.5
> Thanks,
> -Preston

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