Hi all,

This one stung me today. Basically as part of an event (calendar) app, I 
have functionality for splitting a series of events into two at a given 
timestamp. The details aren't particularly relevant, but the key thing is 
that I had a method called "split" on one of the models.

This was working fine until I tried to add a ManyToManyField to the same 
model, at which point it through a rather ugly error during initialisation 
of the apps.

django/db/models/fields/related.py line 56, in add_lazy_relation
>     app_label, model_name = relation.split(".")
> TypeError: unbound method split() must be called with RecurringEvent 
> instance as first argument (got str instance instead)

Because I had no knowledge of the inner workings here, this error wasn't 
helpful until pdb told me that `relation` was an instance of my model. The 
issue is that in this point in the code, relation can either be a model or 
a string 'app_label.model_name', so it's using the presence of a split 
function to determine which it is, me having a split function on my model 
breaks this check. Having a non-callable 'split' causes a similar problem, 
just with a different exception.

Long story short, adding a 'split'  method to my model caused the 
inner-workings of Django to break, I think the documentation should provide 
a list of attribute names that can't be added to a Django model without 
breaking things, though this is the first time I've ever come across such a 
problem so it might be a one-off.

Andrew Ingram

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