I was tweaking around with making an email address only User model (sans
username) while still retaining the permissions stuff and ran into a small
issue. I can fix it but it might need to be documented.

Here is the problem:

I copied over the entire AbstractUser of django.contrib.auth.models.py,
made my changes I needed and just for fun changed 'user_permissions' to
just 'permissions'  because I liked the name in the database to be
'account_user_permissions' instead of 'account_user_user_permissions'

When I went to run it, line 44 of ModelBackend died because there is a hard
reference to 'user_permissions' in the line:

user_obj._perm_cache = set(["%s.%s" % (p.content_type.app_label,
p.codename) for p in user_obj.*user_permissions*.select_related()])

The only fix I could come up with quickly was to copy out the entire
ModelBackend and fix it there. I am probably an idiot and just not know the
better way to fix this.


*Christian Jensen*
724 Ioco Rd
Port Moody, BC V3H 2W8
+1 (778) 996-4283

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