Le 11 nov. 2012 à 06:53, Shai Berger <s...@platonix.com> a écrit :

> On Sunday 11 November 2012, Tim Graham wrote:
>> I think the part that has the most potential to confuse new contributors is
>> the introduction of PYTHONPATH.  Claude suggested we could simply instruct
>> users to run the tests like so:
>> PYTHONPATH=/path/to/django ./run_tests.py --settings=test_sqlite
>> I'm not particularly in love with that, but it would eliminate the need to
>> try to explain things

I've always been running the tests with:

$ cd tests
$ PYTHONPATH=.. pythonX.Y runtests.py --settings=test_<xxx>

It's straightforward and easy to understand: "Python will look for django in 
the parent directory".

If you're just running Django's test suite on a reasonably configured system, 
you're starting with an empty PYTHONPATH; you don't really need 

The alternatives are:
- either prone to mistakes and side effects (setting a systemwide PYTHONPATH — 
what if I move my checkout?);
- or even more complicated to explain (mkvirtualenv djang && pip install -e .)

> It would leave a lot to explain to Windows users (which I note you are still 
> trying to cater for).

If you're using the default options of the git installer on Windows, you're 
getting a fairly decent environment (MINGW32). It creates a "Git Bash" icon on 
the desktop, which starts a Bash shell where `git` works. After adding `export 
PATH=/c/Python27:$PATH` to `~/.bashrc`, `python` also works in that shell.

If we tell Windows users to use "Git Bash", we can skip most of the 
Windows-specific instructions. It's likely to make the tutorial a better 
experience for them.

Otherwise, `set PYTHONPATH=..` works in `cmd.exe`, but I can't recommend 
`cmd.exe` with a straight face :/


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