On Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 12:25 PM, Tom Christie <christie....@gmail.com>wrote:

> Be aware that there may be issues with google groups at the moment...


> There are two messages in this 
> thread<https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/django-developers/7c7aI-slGNc>
>  that
> are marked as deleted, apparently not 
> intentionally<https://twitter.com/ghickman/status/269366054839517184>
> .

These got caught in the sometimes inexplicable "this looks like spam even
though it came from an allowed poster" filter. For these GG puts them in
the moderation queue but does not send an immediate email to
moderators....it sends email sometimes days later, though in this case it
seems to have sent that email the email with only a 12 hour or so delay.
The emails in the "moderator's spam report" note were:

------- 1 of 3  -------
> Subject: django.contrib.redirects customisation
> From: "Лебедев Илья" <mele...@gmail.com>
> Date: Nov 15 03:22PM +0400
> Recently I needed functionality just like in django.contrib.redirects -
> redirects table, that can be edited in admin. I was sad to find out that
> its strongly not configurable. For example, I dont need status 301, but
> need something else.
> Approve:
> http://groups.google.com/group/django-developers/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=3390956786051711982
> ------- 2 of 3  -------
> Subject: Re: Class based views: A standard hook for
> http-method-independent code
> From: George Hickman <geo...@ghickman.co.uk>
> Date: Nov 15 04:27AM -0800
> I have a slightly different proposal, one where we can avoid the extra hook
> but hopefully cover everyone's use cases too.
> https://github.com/ghickman/django/commit/85ac39a481074c25af1ed72a7a12e62ff5425e54
> I've personally never liked the
> Approve:
> http://groups.google.com/group/django-developers/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=548044182767120459
> ------- 3 of 3  -------
> Subject: Re: Class based views: A standard hook for
> http-method-independent code
> From: George Hickman <geo...@ghickman.co.uk>
> Date: Nov 15 01:24PM -0800
> Apologies if this is a double reply, I think Google Groups might have
> deleted my last post...
> I'd like to suggest a slight tangent to the proposed feature that hopefully
> covers what everyone seems to be looking for.
> Approve:
> http://groups.google.com/group/django-developers/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=7023679753100488970

(Can anyone see anything in any of these messages that would cause GG to
think they were spam??)

Anyway, I did delete the last of these, since it was a duplicate due to the
moderation hold up. The other two I moderated through. The first shows up
in both the group and my email records for the list. The second apparently
only got sent out via email, I have no idea why it doesn't show up in the
group (but it did go out to email subscribers -- I have it and there's a
response to it in the group). I know the same thing has happened before,
where something held in this "might be spam" filter, after being approved,
went out in email but never appeared in the group archive. But that
apparently doesn't happen all the time since the first message in this
batch does appear in the group.

> There are also three messages in this 
> thread<https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/django-developers/Vozu6U3gz84>,
> all around the same timeframe which are marked as deleted, which seems a
> little suspect.

I have no idea what those might have been. I do recall deleting 4 spam
messages, I think yesterday, I think from the dev group. Two had subjects
along the lines of "sexy teen hot bodies" and two were google talk invites.
Ordinarily I would have just deleted the google talk invites as
non-intentional spam, but they were from the same address as the real spam
so I marked them all as spam, which has the side-effect of banning the
poster. It's possible that even with the different subject lines they were
posted to that thread..but from my recollection there were 4, not 3, so I
have no idea if those that I remember connect to the three deletions noted
in that thread. I don't recall deleting any other messages from the dev
group moderation queue in the last few days.


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