On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 3:34 AM, Aymeric Augustin <
aymeric.augus...@polytechnique.org> wrote:

> Currently, Django uses utf-8. As far as I can tell, that's more a
> side-effect of (ab)using force_str than anything else. It also has the
> drawback of making it impossible to serve perfectly legit HTTP URLs such
> as /caf%E9/ — try it: https://www.djangoproject.com/caf%E9/ — that
> returns a 400 with no content. I think I once saw a ticket about this, but
> I can't locate it right now.

I think it is:


Comment #10 notes that utf-8 is what Django will use but with the last fix
noted against that ticket it is easier for the request class to be
subclassed to change things for an installation where a different charset
for decoding might be desired.


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