On Sep 10, 2013, at 7:05 PM, Russell Keith-Magee <russ...@keith-magee.com> 

> I share James' reservations about this as a feature -- attaching flags to 
> Meta is something I can see being abused in all sorts of ways -- but that 
> doesn't mean there's no legitimate uses for extensions to Meta. For example, 
> the USERNAME_FIELD added in support of custom users should, arguably, be a 
> Meta option -- but there was no way we could add that without making a Meta 
> option available to every class.

For what it's worth, I've loosely copied Django's "metaclass w/ Meta options" 
pattern for several projects. In cases where I needed a bit more flexibility, 
the metaclass looked for a well named attribute on the class that would specify 
the options class to use. For example:

class Model(object):
    # _meta is a ModelOptions instance
    __OPTIONS_CLASS__ = ModelOptions

class Foo(Model):
    # _meta is a ModelOptions instance, inheriting Model's __OPTION_CLASS__

class User(Model):
    # _meta is a UserModelOptions instance that looks
    # for a USERNAME_FIELD option
    __OPTIONS_CLASS__ = UserModelOptions

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