Hi Christophe,

On 09/26/2013 04:28 PM, Christophe Pettus wrote:
> On Sep 26, 2013, at 2:32 PM, Carl Meyer <c...@oddbird.net> wrote:
>> We already provide the on_delete=DO_NOTHING option for people who
>> want to push cascade handling to the database.
> It's better than the previous situation, but the steps required to
> make this work make it a non-starter for any but the most trivial of
> projects.  I do, however, accept that we're painted into a corner
> with the current API.
> I would strongly advocate for a way of doing this push, however: It's
> much more efficient for cascading without exotic additions such as
> signals.  The current way one has to do it has several problems:
> 1. You are, in essence, lying in your model about what is going to
> happen, by saying on_delete=DO_NOTHING and then doing something in
> the database itself.
> 2. Since Django creates the foreign key constraints and gives them
> unpredictable names, you have to write a very tedious, error-prone
> South migration to install the appropriate foreign key constraints,
> something that Django could very easily do.
> Perhaps a CASCADE_DB and SET_NULL_DB options on on_delete?

Agreed on all counts. Presuming that the documentation is clear about
the tradeoffs, I think these could be very nice additions to save some
of that tedium and make in-db cascade easier to achieve.


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