Rusell's last proposal, using the square brackets sounds the best and 
future proof to me. I think it should be something different from the 
calling syntax of template tags, because calling of an object or retrieving 
a property is not the same.

While I like it, I don't say we should necessarily allow it, but the square 
brackets allow for nesting. e.g.

{{ object[] }}

or even:

{{ object[attributes[something].name] }}

Semantically, the following tree are the same:

{{ }}

{{ object["name"] }}

{% with "name" as var %} {{ object[var] }} {% endwith %}

Another reason for using another syntax for filters and attribute lookups 
is that I think it can be possible in the future to use any arbitrary 
object from the context as a filter.
Say, for instance that from a view, we put a dictionary of filters in the 
context. The following would be possible.

{% my_var|my_filters["escape"]:param %}

As said, we should be careful not to create a complete programming 
language. For me, that means:
- Template tags should never cause side effects. (They should not be able 
to change anything in the database or anywhere else. However, that's hard 
to force!)
- The only operators that we should implement are those necessary for data 
lookups. We shouldn't implement addition or subtraction operators for 
- The template author shouldn't have to care whether the attribute lookup 
happens in a dictionary (through getitem) or in an object (through getattr).
- The template author shouldn't be concerned with how expensive some 
attribute lookups are, for instance when an attribute lookup causes a 
database query. (That's also a hard one, we cannot make all lookups cheap, 
or forbid expensive lookups.)

I think in order to avoid that many projects will create their own template 
filters and template tags as workarounds to syntax limitations, we really 
shouldn't artificially limit the syntax to the most obvious lookups. (I'm 
rather against the idea of custom template tags, but not against filters.)

B.t.w. if anyone has template engine related patches ready, I'm always 
willing to review it.


Le lundi 4 novembre 2013 01:24:45 UTC+1, Russell Keith-Magee a écrit :
> On Sun, Nov 3, 2013 at 9:57 PM, Emanuele Bertoldi 
> <<javascript:>
> > wrote:
>> I've opened a ticket (#21370) with a proposal for the *inclusion of a 
>> generic "getter" filter* in the built-in library.
>> *Why?*
>> Well, because at the moment Django's template system really lacks of 
>> support for retrieving data from existing context variables in all the 
>> cases in which the name of the attribute we need is determined at execution 
>> time.
> It's worth pointing out that this is something the Django core team has 
> historically rejected, on the basis that it's a slippery slope from here to 
> turning Django's template language into a fully featured programming 
> language. So -- fair warning -- the default answer here is going to be 
> "No"; it's going to take some convincing to flip that position.
> However, I will admit that this is a use case for which I have some 
> sympathy. Cross-cutting arrays of data is one of those things that is a lot 
> more complex to do in the context than it would be to do using a simple 
> lookup in a template. 
> Formally, I'm probably +0.1 :-)
>> *Syntax:*
>> {{ object|get:attr_name }}
>> Of course the idea is to add a multi-purpose filter which covers 
>> different use cases (model instances, arbitrary objects, dicts, lists, 
>> tuples, etc.)
> *IF* we are to add this, I'd be inclined to do this as a primitive of the 
> template language itself, rather than as a template filter. This is a 
> fundamental concept in context lookup, not a data transformation (which is 
> what filters generally represent). 
> The minimal syntactic solution would be to use the colon operator to 
> denote arguments in the same way as it does for filters:
>  {{ object:attr_name }}
> or, by introducing square brackets as parseable symbols in the template 
> language:
>  {{ object[attr_name] }}
> The latter has the benefit of being compatible with Jinja syntax; the 
> downside is that Django templates starts to look even more like a 
> programming language.
> Yours, 
> Russ Magee %-)

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