> I don't see how "you need to remember that auth.User really means some
> model
> defined in settings" is more user friendly than "you need to remember that
> __swappable__.X means that X is swappable". More so, as people already use
> auth.get_user_model() -- so, you can monkeypatch *that* when generating
> migrations, and let them just keep doing what they do today.

That's not what people use, they use settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL. See
Raphaël's email about that.

No, not with any of the three suggestions. The migrations machinery doesn't
> introspect the database to find the FK targets -- it re-rolls the
> migrations in
> memory; and if any of the suggestions is taken, then when you run the
> migrations with the setting pointing at some model, it will seem like it
> has
> always been that way.

No, as the setting only exists in the models file - by the time it gets
into a migration (the things which are re-run) it's been baked into a real
model reference (of whatever the setting was at the time). Option 1b would
preserve this behaviour by default; the other two eradicate it and make
history changing of AUTH_USER_MODEL invisible in two different ways.

> > The problem is when the migrations are pre-made - i.e. from third-party
> > apps - and that's the issue I'm trying to solve.
> >
> The two problems are in conflict -- for evolving the user model, history
> must
> matter; for pre-made migrations, the choice of user model needs to look
> like
> it has always been the way it is "now" (at the time the migrations are
> run).

Yes, and I personally think the pre-made migrations problem is more
important. I don't think people should change user model mid-project on a
whim - there's a lot of manual work they'd always have to do to port all
their user data over losslessly ignoring just this foreign key problem -
and if they do, I think we recommend they start again with their migrations.

The only solution that I can see which somehow gives something to both
sides - 1b - makes it really, really easy for third-party apps to ship
broken migrations and not know about it, and I don't like that. I think we
have to sacrifice being able to tell that the user model was changed in
favour of having the app ecosystem actually work.


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