On 11 janv. 2014, at 11:05, Andrey Antukh <n...@niwi.be> wrote:

> In my opinion, "the default case are solved with atomic block" seems to be a 
> workaround instead of a solution.

As a short reminder, we’re talking about inconsistencies that arise when:

1) you do something in the database;
2) you do something related in another system — send an email, enqueue a task, 
cache a value;
3) the database transaction is rolled back, canceling the effects of 1) but not 
those of 2).

I may have been unclear when I closed the ticket. I’m not saying that atomic 
blocks solve the problem. I’m saying that the problem doesn’t happen in 
autocommit mode, which is the default in Django >= 1.6.

If you’re using transactions (i.e. ATOMIC_REQUESTS or atomic blocks), you may 
encounter the problem. But then I’m positive that transaction signals aren’t 
the solution. 

> I understand that signals in general are evil and register global callbacks 
> is not a very good solution, but I think, that a orm should give some generic 
> facility to attach code to execute when a transaction is successfully 
> committed or rolled back.

I’m not having this argument once more, so, there you go:

You may also be interested in:

(The name conflict is unfortunate; I didn’t check before writing my package; at 
least that forced me to include a warning in the name.)

Jokes aside, transaction signals are just a (wrong) means to an (legitimate) 
end. I’ve documented the solutions I’m aware of:

Additional ideas welcome!


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