I think it is time to add a new model classmethod from_db() to Django.

The idea is to allow customization of object initialization when loading 
from database. Instead of calling directly model.__init__ from the queryset 
iterators, Django calls model_cls.from_db(). The default implementation 
calls just model.__init__, but by overriding from_db() it will be possible 
to do interesting things. For example:
  1) It allows for faster loading of models. See 
https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/19501 for some benchmarks.
  2) Possibility to return polymorphic classes from querysets. For example 
for STI:
    def from_db(cls, using, fields, values):
        # Assume database has type column, and the class contains a 
_type_map pointing to the wanted class for each different type.
        data = dict(zip(fields, values))
        model_cls = cls._type_map[data['type'])
        new = model_cls(**data)
        new._state = ModelState(using, adding=False)
        return new

  3) Allow differentiating database loading from initialization in user 
code. For example (pseudo-codeish) automatic update_fields on save():

    class AutoTracking(models.Model):

        def from_db(cls, using, fields, values):
            new = super().from_db(using, fields, values)
            # This step is surprisingly hard to do correctly at the moment!
            # Can't use overridden __init__ or signals as they don't know 
if the model is loaded from the
            # database or not.
            new._old_data = dict(zip(fields, values))
            return new

        def save(...):
            if update_fields is None:
                update_fields = set()
                for attr_name, v in self._old_data.items():
                    if getattr(self, attr_name) != v:

So, there are several advantages to adding from_db(). The only problem I 
can see with this approach is that the default model initialization code 
path will be around 5%-10% slower due to the extra from_db() call for each 
row. To me that isn't big enough slowdown to worry about. In addition, as 
shown in #19501, usage of from_db() allows for significantly faster model 
loading for special cases.

The patches in #19501 are IMO too complex. The patches try to automatically 
detect when we can skip calling model.__init__. Instead we should just add 
the from_db() hook without any fast-path automation.

Any thoughts on this idea?

 - Anssi

On Friday, May 16, 2014 5:06:18 PM UTC+3, Carl Meyer wrote:
> On 05/16/2014 04:46 AM, Shai Berger wrote: 
> > On Monday 12 May 2014 12:27:01 Thomas Güttler wrote: 
> >> Single Table Inheritance is used by ruby-on-rails and SQLAlchemy. 
> >> 
> >> Are there reasons why it is used in django? 
> >> 
> > 
> > Essentially, STI is a form of database denormalization. I think Django 
> should 
> > not encourage this. 
> I agree. 
> >> I would love to see a polymorphic inheritance solution in django. 
> >> 
> > 
> > Just to spell things out: You want to have models A, B(A), C(A) and 
> D(B), so 
> > that list(A.objects.all()) returns a list of objects of different types. 
> > 
> > This sounds like a good idea in general, but there are devils in the 
> > implementation details. In particular, I'd like to separate this issue 
> from 
> > the issue of STI -- polymorphism is an issue of processing the retrieved 
> > records, and need not be tightly coupled to the database layout. The 
> > polymorphism solution should work whether the records are fetched by the 
> > equivalent of A.objects.all() or 
> > A.objects.select_related(child_classes).all(). 
> > 
> > I think you can sort-of achieve STI by doing it the other way around: 
> Define 
> > all your hierarchy as abstract models, with one concrete model 
> inheriting all 
> > of them (I suspect any STI implementation in Django would have to do 
> something 
> > very similar "behind the scenes"). Pros and cons (as well as testing if 
> this 
> > actually works) are left as an exercise to the reader. 
> > 
> >> I know that there are third party apps which provide this, but 
> >> something like this should be in the core. 
> >> 
> > 
> > If you ignore STI, I think it is quite straightforward to solve this 
> with a 
> > parent model class which adds a type field, and manager methods to add 
> the 
> > select_related calls and "interpret" the type field properly; so I don't 
> see an 
> > immediate need for inclusion in core. 
> You don't even need the "type" field, you can just select_related all 
> the subclasses and then test when iterating over the queryset which one 
> exists for each record. This is what InheritanceManager in 
> django-model-utils does. 
> I don't see a need to have this in core either. It seems to me almost a 
> perfect example of the occasionally-useful-but-not-essential 
> functionality that is well served by third-party packages. (IMO concrete 
> model inheritance is more often than not a questionable model-design in 
> the first place, so Django shouldn't be adding more support around it to 
> encourage its use.) 
> Carl 

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