Hi all,

My name is Renato Oliveira and I'm a Brazilian Django user.

Here at my company we use a small modification of static template tag.

We added a parameter, URL, and the inside job is when DEBUG is True, the
tag returns the local path for the static file, but when DEBUG is false,
the URL is returned.

So, why do we use it. We do a lot of projects using staticfiles that are
already online, at CDNs for example, and there is no need for me to serve
it. But when I'm writing code, I don't want useless requests (my internet
is not so fast) and also, I want to be able to work offline. Also, if
everyone who uses bootstrap, foundation and that kind of stuff, point to
the same file, they will already be on cache, so a lot of happy people.

I open sourced <https://github.com/labcodes/django-static-chooser> the
modification we did (4 or 5 lines plus tests), and was about to send it to
pypi and wondered if it is an improvement to do on Django itself.

Of course, I would need some help to find the best way to do it on Django.
In our version, we just made it works.

Best regards,

Renato Oliveira
@_renatooliveira <http://twitter.com/_renatooliveira>
Labcodes - www.labcodes.com.br

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