On Thursday, July 10, 2014 9:39:09 PM UTC+5:30, Tim Graham wrote:
> It could be useful, however, I think many projects would also want to have 
> some way of configuring the max file upload size without having to specify 
> it on every FileField. One way to achieve this might be if a a custom file 
> upload handler could raise an exception that would be presented as a form 
> field error which is the original idea from that ticket.

I found this in tests:

class QuotaUploadHandler(FileUploadHandler):
    This test upload handler terminates the connection if more than a quota
    (5MB) is uploaded.

    QUOTA = 5 * 2 ** 20  # 5 MB

    def __init__(self, request=None):
        super(QuotaUploadHandler, self).__init__(request)
        self.total_upload = 0

    def receive_data_chunk(self, raw_data, start):
        self.total_upload += len(raw_data)
        if self.total_upload >= self.QUOTA:
            raise StopUpload(connection_reset=True)
        return raw_data

    def file_complete(self, file_size):
        return None 

Here, we are using QUOTA, we could also use the setting: 
FILE_UPLOAD_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE here as well and specify the size in settings 
file, this does stops the upload but there is no form error.

Here is what I have understood:

Raising error in uploadhandler to catch in forms might not be possible, 
because forms are given the data after handlers have done the job eg. 

form = UploadFileForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
But error in handler must have come when `request` was being made.

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