On August 3, 2014 at 9:48:53 PM, Adam Brenecki (adambrene...@gmail.com) wrote:
> The patch I've written implements this mitigation, with one difference:
> instead of using xor, it uses a Vigenère cipher (as suggested by FunkyBob),
> as xor was creating non-printable characters which caused problems. I think
> this should be OK as Vigenère is commonly used for one-time pads and does
> more or less the same thing to characters that xor does to bits.
> This is pretty much what django-debreach does, except that *it* uses AES
> instead of xor (i.e. the output is K + AES(K, S).). However, this adds
> processing load to every request and a dependency on PyCrypto, and as far
> as I can tell this doesn't actually add any benefit over xor/Vigenère.
> So, in summary, I think I'm doing nearly exactly what the paper says, and I
> think it effectively makes the attack practically impossible, but I'd love
> to hear from someone who has a better idea than I as to if I'm actually
> correct on all of this.


-1 on implementing our own Vigenère cipher.

If I understand the patch correctly it doesn't use the pad as a nonce exactly,
it will happily accept the same pad + CSRF token multiple times over and over.
Anything that treats the CSRF token as an opaque sequence of characters (which
is essentially what it is prior to this patch) should be backwards compatible
if my understanding is correct. Further more it looks like the original
unpadded CSRF token is still in the cookie so anything that pulls it's tokens
out of the cookie directly should be completely unaffected. 

Is my understanding correct? If so then the only thing I can imagine this
breaking is something that expected a certain length for the CSRF token and
afaik the length of the token is not within our backwards compatibility

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