I'm opening a django console (to narrow the problem) and run this line:

    for sesion in 
SesionJuego.objects.filter(preguntas__respuesta__isnull=True): print 
sesion, sesion.pk


    * printing is just a sample operation. I'm getting the same error (I'll 
describe later) with any loop body.
    * SesionJuego is a custom model class, having a `preguntas` attribute 
which is the reverse side (related_name) of a ForeignKey.
    * I have this issue in an atomic view, but I can also reproduce this 
error in console.

I have 1 SesionJuego element, with 5 (related) questions in the database.

What I expect is that such loop iterates over ONE element, ONCE. What I get 
is this (see the console below):

So if I iterate I'm getting a non-unique iteration and the second-to-fifth 
iterations will yield objects without the related `preguntas` (i.e. for 
those objects, the populated `preguntas` has a `count` of 0).

Is this a bug? Seems it is iterating over the join instead of over the 
objects. How can I work in a django-way to avoid that?

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