Hi Emil, 

while supporting server-sent events (or even websockets for that matter) 
would be great, this is basically a problem which has to be tackled in WSGI 
first in my opinion. That said, when you talk about a separate process, how 
would it look like (aside from using asycio), ie how would it use Django's 
current featureset which is basically blocking everywhere…


On Saturday, May 30, 2015 at 5:52:36 PM UTC+1, Emil Stenström wrote:
> Hi, 
> This is the third feature proposal as part of my general drive for 
> getting Django to work better for javascript heavy sites. 
> Support Server-Sent Events 
> -------------------------- 
> If you want a snappy user experience, AJAX polling isn't enough. There 
> are two major ways to get out of the request-response cycle. Namely: 
> websockets and server-sent events. 
> Websockets are complicated beasts, and getting cross-browser support for 
> them requires implementing several protocol versions. They are also 
> bidirectional, meaning you can send stuff to the server with them. 
> Server-Sent Events use normal HTTP, and are natively supported 
> everywhere except Internet Explorer. Since they don't use a custom 
> protocol there are several polyfills that enable IE support too, 
> bringing browser compliance close to 100%. SSE only supports sending 
> data from server to client, not the other way around. 
> The ease of implementation for server-sent events makes it a much better 
> Django fit in my opinion. Also, I don't think the need for client -> 
> server requests is that big, you can easily solve that with AJAX calls 
> instead. 
> More reading on how it works: 
> http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/eventsource/basics/ 
> --- 
> Just like websockets, server-sent events rely on persistent connections 
> to each connected client. This means that we need a separate process to 
> make this work properly. I understand this is a controversial 
> suggestion, but it allows the rest of Django to continue working like 
> before, and still offer async support to users. It's the best of two 
> worlds. 
> So how would you implement such a process in a performant way? With 
> Python 3's asyncio package (for Python 2 support there's trollius: 
> https://pypi.python.org/pypi/trollius). This means no external 
> dependencies (except for old pythons). 
> You would start the process separately, add a script tag to your page, 
> and all clients that connected to the page would be connected to the 
> process. Now Django could push messages through that process as part of 
> the request-response cycle, and all clients would be notified. Other 
> processes (a cron job?) could do the same. 
> Simply stated: we would finally get async support in Django, without 
> having to rewrite large parts of Django. Also, we need no persistent 
> message storage. Connected clients get the messages, then it's discarded. 
> There is existing work on this that could be a starting point for a more 
> Django:y API: https://github.com/brutasse/asyncio-sse 
> --- 
> I think server-sent events would be a great reason to choose Django over 
> other frameworks. It would finally answer the request for "async" 
> features in Django, with a system that's as easy to setup (just start 
> the process) as to implement. 
> Would anyone we willing to work with me on this? Do you think it makes 
> sense to put this in Django? I don't see any need for this code to 
> change often, and it fits well with the "building apps quickly and with 
> less code" mantra. 
> Thoughts? Ideas? 
> (And yes, this idea would work great together with the js template 
> rendering. Pushing database updates from the server to the client, and 
> they instantly updating the template accordingly) 
> Regards, 
> Emil Stenström 
> Twitter: @EmilStenstrom 

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