Hi Preston,

On 06/10/2015 11:46 AM, Preston Timmons wrote:
> I've been working through solutions for #15667 -- template based widget
> rendering. This is a problem that was close to a solution at one time, but
> stalled out due to performance concerns and difficulties with defining a
> workable API to create configurable template loaders.
> Now that Jinja2 is supported, performance isn't as much a concern. So,
> I'd like to tackle the API portion of this.

Thanks for picking this up again!

> This problem has two sides:
> 1) Converting individual widgets to be rendered with templates.
> 2) Deciding how to instantiate a user-customizable template engine.
> The first is easy to accomplish, but the second isn't. I've written a
> proposal for the second problem available here:
> https://gist.github.com/prestontimmons/24a2a835bea590afb70b

This proposal looks excellent. A few comments:

1) I think the new `renderer` argument to `Widget.render()` should be
kept optional, and BoundField should have a fallback to not pass it in
if not accepted, in order to avoid requiring immediate
backwards-incompatible updates to custom widgets' render() methods. The
Widget.render() method's signature is documented, so it is covered by
the backwards-compatibility policy. The BoundField calling fallback can
have a deprecation path; keeping the renderer arg optional forever (with
fallback to default renderer from settings) doesn't seem like a terrible

2) I don't think that looking up the magic name 'forms' in `TEMPLATES`
is a good idea for overriding the forms template loader. I think it
would be better to just require using a custom renderer (which can be a
simple subclass of the built-in TemplateRenderer) for that case.

3) Regarding the template-precedence conundrum you mentioned: IMO the
best end-result here is to simply add 'django.forms' to
`INSTALLED_APPS`. This provides full flexibility (you can order
`INSTALLED_APPS` however you like to override with templates from a
different app, or of course override with templates in `DIRS`) without
requiring any new concepts. So then the question is just a
backwards-compatibility path for getting 'django.forms' into
`INSTALLED_APPS`. Here's what I'd propose:

The default `TemplateRenderer` has an `engine` cached-property, with the
following behavior:

a) If 'django.forms' is in `INSTALLED_APPS` and there is at least one
configured template engine with `APP_DIRS: True`, return `None`.

b) Otherwise, fallback to instantiating and returning a simple Jinja2
backend (similar to the `default_backend` in your gist, but I think even
more stripped down, with `APP_DIRS: False`). Raise a (pending)
deprecation warning.

If `TemplateRenderer.engine` is `None`, then `TemplateRenderer.render`
would use `django.template.loader.get_template` (thus using the same
engine fallback strategy as normal template rendering from a view).

Document in the form-rendering docs (and in the release upgrade notes,
which are linked to by the above deprecation warning) that if you want
to override the default form widget templates, you need to include
'django.forms' in `INSTALLED_APPS` and make sure you have at least one
template engine with `APP_DIRS: True`. Overriding widget templates is a
new feature, so it's OK if it requires explicit opt-in.

Once the deprecation warning runs its course, the default
`TemplateRenderer.engine` property would simply return `None` in all
cases (unless we add an `engine_name` class attr; see below), thus
deferring to normal template rendering, and there would be no
automatically-generated special template engine for forms.

I think this provides a full backwards-compatible path for the simplest
case, while still preserving all the flexibility you could want. If you
don't want the built-in templates at all, and want to provide all your
own, you don't need `APP_DIRS: True` or 'django.forms' in
`INSTALLED_APPS`. If you want to only use a specific template engine for
form widgets, you can subclass `TemplateRenderer` and override the
`engine` property to return your engine (which could be instantiated
right there in the renderer, or could be from the `TEMPLATES` setting
and fetched in the renderer using `get_engine`).

To make the latter customization even simpler, we could add an
`engine_name` attribute on `TemplateRenderer`, defaulting to `None`, but
if set to anything other than `None`, the `engine` property would call
`get_engine` with that name. Then the subclass only has to define the
`engine_name` attribute to enforce use of a specific engine.

Or if that type of customization turns out to be very common, we could
even go one step further and add a `FORM_RENDERER_TEMPLATE_ENGINE`
setting which can be set to a template engine name, to avoid needing to
subclass `TemplateRenderer` at all.

(My feeling is we should probably do the `TemplateRenderer.engine_name`
thing, but not the setting.)

> In addition, a WIP branch is available here:
> https://github.com/prestontimmons/django/tree/ticket-15667

Can you turn this into a PR marked [WIP] and link it from the ticket?
Having a PR, even if its not merge-ready yet, makes code review and
commenting much easier.

> Hopefully, we can finally get this in. :)



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