I really like Ryan's second proposal (quoting here again):

2.2 - 0 mos - (LTS) No features dropped 
> *3.0 - 8 mos - All deprecations, including the LTS deprecations, are 
> removed *
> 3.1 - 16 mos - No features dropped 
> 3.2 - 24 mos - (LTS) No features dropped 
> *4.0 - 32 mos - All deprecations, including the LTS deprecations, are 
> removed *
> 4.1 - 40 mos - No features dropped 
> 4.2 - 48 mos - (LTS) No features dropped

It'll mean that the maximum time a feature can be supported while 
deprecating is 2 years. The shortest it can be supported is a single 
release if the deprecation is made in an LTS - which I think is fine 
because the LTS is supported for 3 years anyway. It perfectly adheres to 
semver (which is a nice property, but not the be-all and end-all), and 
still allows libraries to straddle two LTS releases. Is there a good reason 
we couldn't use this model?

And I agree with Tim that changing the version numbers of already planned 
releases is not a good idea. The version naming can wait until the current 
Removed* warnings are gone - and timing it with the Python 3 only release 
sounds like a fairly good motivation to bump the major version and continue 
with semver from there. Provided we remember/document the plan :)

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 09:58:41 UTC+10, Tim Graham wrote:
> Of course RemovedInDjango19Warning is also in 1.7 and a lot of docs 
> reference Django 1.9. I'm not enthusiastic about updating all that.
> On Sunday, June 14, 2015 at 1:43:50 AM UTC+2, Loïc Bistuer wrote:
>> > On Jun 13, 2015, at 20:43, Tim Graham <timog...@gmail.com> wrote: 
>> > 
>> > I don't have a strong opinion either way on semver, but I think it's a 
>> bit late to rebrand 1.9 as 2.0 considering we've release code and docs with 
>> reference to "RemovedInDjango19Warning". Do you have any thoughts on that? 
>> We could plan the change for after the next LTS (2.1 -> 3.0) to correspond 
>> with the cutover to Python 3. 
>> Currently we have: 
>> 1.8: 
>>     RemovedInDjango19Warning(DeprecationWarning) - Deprecations from 1.7 
>>     RemovedInDjango20Warning(PendingDeprecationWarning) - Deprecations 
>> from 1.8 
>> master: 
>>     RemovedInDjango20Warning(DeprecationWarning) - Deprecations from 1.8 
>>     RemovedInDjango21Warning(PendingDeprecationWarning) - Deprecations 
>> from master 
>> In any case, implementing the new policy will require updating warnings 
>> from master: RemovedInDjango21Warning needs to become either 
>> RemovedInDjango22Warning or RemovedInDjango31Warning with the switch to 
>> SemVer. 
>> The question is whether it's too invasive to update warnings in a 1.8 
>> patch release. If we ensure that RemovedInDjango19Warning remains 
>> importable by aliasing it to RemovedInDjango20Warning(DeprecationWarning), 
>> I think it's compatible enough not to delay implementing the scheme by 
>> another two years, especially considering how warnings are normally used. 
>> But if we want to be super cautious we could just leave the code as it is 
>> and document the problem in the 1.8 release notes, after all we are 
>> extending the lifespan of the shims (at least in appearance) which isn't as 
>> problematic as if we were shortening it. 
>> -- 
>> Loïc 

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