For an additional non-core dev data point, I'm also +1 on Loic's 1.10, 
1.11, 2.0... plan. Makes it much easier to plan and communicate framework 
upgrades to clients.

On Tuesday, June 23, 2015 at 9:14:25 PM UTC-5, Josh Smeaton wrote:
> I was worried about 1.10 because I wrongly assumed that the entire version 
> string was ordered. SemVer (and 
> specifically call out that each component of a version identifier MUST be 
> ordered numerically. My objections based on that incorrect assumption I 
> withdraw.
> I'm +1 on going to 1.10, 1.11, then to 2.0. I think it makes sense, and 
> nicely aligns with the emerging new policy. I don't think we should be held 
> to naming the version after 1.9 as 2.0, considering we're changing the 
> policy of backwards compatibility, the semantics of the version numbers, 
> and the timelines of LTS. Do it all at once, and I think that sends a much 
> stronger message.
> Cheers
> On Wednesday, 24 June 2015 02:31:11 UTC+10, Carl Meyer wrote:
>> I am +1 on the 1.10 - 1.11 - 2.0 plan; I think the discrepancy between 
>> 2.x and the future version numbering scheme will in practice be _much_ 
>> more confusing (and already has been). 
>> I have never found any objection to 1.10-style version numbers 
>> convincing. Dotted version numbers are clearly a representation of a 
>> tuple of integers, not an odd decimal notation, as evidenced by the fact 
>> that every commonly-used dotted version numbering scheme invests each 
>> location in the tuple with some kind of semantics. In any case, 
>> precedent for such version numbers in Django was set several years ago 
>> when we shipped 1.4.10; by now we're up to 1.4.20! (Not to mention 
>> 1.5.12 and 1.6.11). 
>> FWIW, I did a GitHub code search and in the first ten pages of results I 
>> found zero uses of RemovedInDjango20Warning that weren't instances of 
>> someone committing their virtualenv (with a copy of Django) to git. So I 
>> am not concerned about changing those warnings (especially since we can 
>> provide backwards compatibility). 
>> Carl 

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