Hi, I hope I am not too late to the discussion (and I hope it's the right 
one). :)

Am Mittwoch, 6. April 2016 15:42:58 UTC+2 schrieb Collin Anderson:
- Why select2? I haven't heard any serious proposals of a different library 
to use.

Internally, we had the same debate of upgrading our widgets for 
ForeignKey/ManyToMany, so I would like to share the current result with you.

Unfortunately, we ended up with two different widgets:

1) django-selectable
2) select2

We found that select2 only makes sense for a *very very small number* of 
selected items but allows on-the-fly creation of items even for 
many-to-many relations. Thus, we use if for email address fields and tags: 
foreign keys but text input suffices for creation.

On the other hand, if you need to distribute 800 users among 70 groups, 
where even half the users can be in a single group, then select2 is not the 
right widget. That's where selectable comes in. The presentation of the 
selection *as a list* appears to be less confusing.

Just wanted to share this with you even if you might already have decided 
to use select2.


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