On 03/05/16 14:08, Gavin Wahl wrote:
 >     with MyModel.objects.lock():
 >         ... do stuff ...

This is misleading as it implies the lock is released when the context
manager exists, but in postgres at least the lock will be held until the
end of the transaction.

Hah!  Shows how much I know about table locking :P

What advantage does implementing an ORM API for table locking have over
`cursor.execute("LOCK TABLE mymodel")`?

Much the same as the rest of the ORM API : Abstraction and convenience.

Even if it's just so you can pass a ModelClass instead of having to know the table name... and avoid having to access cursor directly.

Perhaps transaction.lock_table(model) since, as you say, it's related to the term of the transaction?


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